S2, Special #1: The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer


Whoa, wait a second! That’s not a regular episode! Correct, dear listeners! Come and get Back to the Double R’s Special #1: The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer! This week, Jennifer leads us through a discussion of the dark and disturbing mini-masterpiece by Jennifer Lynch, which set the whole country talking in furtive whispers way back in 1990. We talk about what the diary meant to Laura Palmer, whether it felt “authentic,” and how it changes our view of Twin Peaks as a show. In a special Twist, we tackle the question of “canon” and whether/where the Diary fits in it! 

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The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (book, 1990, written by Jennifer Lynch, reissued 2011 with prefaces by David Lynch and Mark Frost)
The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer (2016, audiobook, narrated by Sheryl Lee)
Jennifer Lynch (SDLP writer)
Boxing Helena (1993, film, directed by Jennifer Lynch)
25 Years Later (extensive media fan site)
Blue Velvet (1986, film, written and directed by David Lynch)
Victoria Catlin (b. 1952, Blackie O’Reilly)
Epistolary novels (literary genre)
Anaïs Nin (1903-1977, French-Cuban-American essayist, diarist, and novelist)
Anne Frank (1929-1945, diarist and victim of the Holocaust)
Go Ask Alice (1971, novel (or published diary), written by Beatrice Sparks)
Frank Silva (1950-1995, Bob)
Sheryl Lee (b. 1967, Laura/Maddy)


S2, E10: Dispute Between Brothers


S2, E9: Arbitrary Law